All information published on the Local Footy Stats web site is provided on an "as is" basis. No guarantee or warranty regarding the accuracy of information and statistics is provided.
Any infringement of copyright is completely unintentional. All images displayed on this site are copyright of the respective owners. If you believe any infringement of copyright has taken place, please email
Thanks to all those people who have contributed to Local Footy Stats.
The idea behind this site was to provide a bit of a resource and a few fun things to try out for Local Footy fans with the additional advantage of teaching myself a bit about web design. I got the site up and running in January 2005, (the site was then known as MY EFL) just to see if I could do it, and I have been learning heaps ever since. I am certainly no guru in this area, so if you see something that isn't right or could be done better, I would value your thoughts.
The site then became Eastern Footy, then after a couple years, I decided to
broaden the stats and get information and stats on the Yarra Valley Mountain District Football League, Southern Football League & the Northern Football League.
Please be aware that I make no claim that the statistics provided on the site are 100% correct although I do try to keep it as accurate as possible. If you do find any errors, please let me know and I will have them corrected.
Local Footy Stats is purely a footy fan site. It has no affiliation with any Football Leagues, any of the clubs or any other site for that matter.
If you have any ideas for the site, anything that you would like to see, comments or suggestions on the layout and the like, or absolutely anything else football related to contribute, please email