Diamond Valley Juniors

Diamond Valley Football League.

  Home & Away Finals
Year Gr Pl Wo Lo Dr Lad Pl Wo Lo Dr P R M F L
1941 A 10 4 6 0 5/6                  
1940 A 10 2 8 0 5/6                  
1939 A 14 4 10 0 5/8                  
Gr=Grade. Pl=Played. Wo=Won. Lo=Lost. Dr=Draw. Lad=Ladder
Pl=Premiers. R=Runners Up. M=Minor Premiers. F=Finals. L=Last.

Club Notes.

1939: Club formed when Diamond Creek and Hurstbridge Football Clubs merged to create Diamond Valley Juniors. After WW2, Diamond Creek and Hurstbridge ended the merger.
Premierships (0)
Runners Up (0)
Wooden Spoons (0)