
Ringwood District Football League.

  Home & Away Finals
Year Gr Pl Wo Lo Dr Lad Pl Wo Lo Dr P R M F L
1938 A 18 4 14 0 8/10                  
1937 A 18 6 12 0 8/10                  
1936 A 12 5 7 0 5/7                  
Gr=Grade. Pl=Played. Wo=Won. Lo=Lost. Dr=Draw. Lad=Ladder
Pl=Premiers. R=Runners Up. M=Minor Premiers. F=Finals. L=Last.

Mountain District Football Association.

  Home & Away Finals
Year Gr Pl Wo Lo Dr Lad Pl Wo Lo Dr P R M F L
1935 A 12 2 10 0 5/5                
1934 A 15 2 13 0 6/6                

?? Football League.

  Home & Away Finals
Year Gr Pl Wo Lo Dr Lad Pl Wo Lo Dr P R M F L
Year Gr Pl Wo Lo Dr Lad Pl Wo Lo Dr P R M F L
  Home & Away Finals

Club Notes.

1908: Club formed.
1914: Club disbanded.
1934: Club reformed.
1939: Club merges with Monbulk for one season and plays in the Ringwood District Football League as Olinda-Monbulk.
Premierships (1)
Runners Up (0)
Wooden Spoons (2)
1934 1935