Match Scores

Croydon Mail Football League A Grade 1947



The 1947 Croydon Mail Football League season was the 18th season of the Australian rules football competition. The Premiership was won by the East Ringwood Football Club, after it defeated Lilydale in the Grand Final by 27 points. It was East Ringwood's second Premiership.

All 7 clubs from 1946 return for the 1947 season, as well as Lilydale. Lilydale return to the competition for the first time since 1941 after competing in the Yarra Valley Football Association in 1945-46.
Teams 8
Premiers East Ringwood
  (2nd A Grade Premiership)
Minor Premiers Lilydale
  (1st A Grade Minor Premiership)
Wooden Spoon Montrose
  (3rd A Grade Wooden Spoon)
1946 1948

Round 1

Date: Sat 3rd May Time: 3:00pm
East Ringwood       14.15 99 Ground: East Ringwood Reserve
Kilsyth       8.6 54 East Ringwood won by 45 pts
Croydon 3.1 7.4 9.10 9.11 65 Ground: Croydon Oval
Lilydale 3.3 9.11 10.14 13.19 97 Lilydale won by 32 pts
Warrandyte       6.5 41 Ground: Warrandyte Reserve
Montrose       7.8 50 Montrose won by 9 pts
Boronia       14.15 99 Ground: Boronia Park
Bayswater       11.17 83 Boronia won by 16 pts
Rd 1 Ladder
ER 1 4 183.3
LD 1 4 149.2
MT 1 4 121.9
BO 1 4 119.2
BW 1 0 83.8
WD 1 0 82.0
CD 1 0 67.0
KS 1 0 54.5

Round 2

Date: Sat 10th May Time: 3:00pm
Kilsyth 3.5 8.10 13.12 17.13 115 Ground: Kilsyth Recreation Reserve
Boronia 1.5 2.6 6.11 10.15 75 Kilsyth won by 40 pts
Lilydale 7.4 13.7   20.20 140 Ground: Lilydale Sports Oval
Warrandyte 0.1 1.1   3.2 20 Lilydale won by 120 pts
Montrose 1.3 1.10 2.10 4.16 40 Ground: Montrose Reserve
Croydon 2.9 6.14 10.19 13.23 101 Croydon won by 61 pts
Bayswater 2.2 3.5 4.6 5.8 38 Ground: Bayswater Recreation Reserve
East Ringwood 4.3 6.7 10.10 14.13 97 East Ringwood won by 59 pts
Rd 2 Ladder
LD 2 8 278.8
ER 2 8 213.0
CD 2 4 121.1
KS 2 4 97.1
BO 2 4 87.8
MT 2 4 63.3
BW 2 0 61.7
WD 2 0 32.1

Round 3

Date: Sat 17th May Time: 3:00pm
Kilsyth 6.4 9.5 12.11 21.15 141 Ground: Kilsyth Recreation Reserve
Bayswater 2.4 5.6 6.7 6.8 44 Kilsyth won by 97 pts
Boronia       10.17 77 Ground: Boronia Park
Lilydale       15.7 97 Lilydale won by 20 pts
East Ringwood 7.5 11.12 17.16 25.21 171 Ground: East Ringwood Reserve
Montrose 1.3 3.4 4.7 6.9 45 East Ringwood won by 126 pts
Warrandyte 1.2 2.6 3.6 3.7 25 Ground: Warrandyte Reserve
Croydon 3.4 5.5 9.8 14.15 99 Croydon won by 74 pts
Rd 3 Ladder
ER 3 12 267.8
LD 3 12 206.1
CD 3 8 163.5
KS 3 8 142.2
BO 3 4 85.0
MT 3 4 43.1
BW 3 0 48.9
WD 3 0 29.7

Round 4

Date: Sat 24th May Time: 3:00pm
Kilsyth 4.5 7.8 11.12 13.13 91 Ground: Kilsyth Recreation Reserve
Lilydale 3.3 4.5 9.8 9.14 68 Kilsyth won by 23 pts
East Ringwood 3.5 9.9 13.14 17.21 123 Ground: East Ringwood Reserve
Warrandyte 2.4 3.5 3.5 3.5 23 East Ringwood won by 100 pts
Croydon 0.3 1.7 1.9 5.14 44 Ground: Croydon Oval
Boronia 2.4 3.6 6.9 7.13 55 Boronia won by 11 pts
Montrose 4.5 8.9 8.11 13.14 92 Ground: Montrose Reserve
Bayswater 2.4 9.8 13.15 20.18 138 Bayswater won by 46 pts
Rd 4 Ladder
ER 4 16 306.2
LD 4 12 158.8
KS 4 12 140.2
CD 4 8 142.3
BO 4 8 90.2
BW 4 4 70.6
MT 4 4 50.3
WD 4 0 26.4

Round 5

Date: Sat 31st May Time: 3:00pm
Warrandyte 0.0 2.3 2.5 4.7 31 Ground: Warrandyte Reserve
Kilsyth 6.3 8.7 15.9 22.15 147 Kilsyth won by 116 pts
Boronia 4.3 8.10 15.15 23.15 153 Ground: Boronia Park
Montrose 1.1 1.1 2.4 2.8 20 Boronia won by 133 pts
Bayswater 4.2 8.2 10.3 10.3 63 Ground: Bayswater Recreation Reserve
Lilydale 4.2 8.6 8.8 13.10 88 Lilydale won by 25 pts
Croydon 3.4 5.5 8.7 11.9 75 Ground: Croydon Oval
East Ringwood 1.1 2.5 4.6 7.10 52 Croydon won by 23 pts
Rd 5 Ladder
ER 5 16 230.6
KS 5 16 172.8
LD 5 16 155.0
CD 5 12 142.7
BO 5 12 127.8
BW 5 4 70.7
MT 5 4 40.8
WD 5 0 25.0

Round 6

Date: Sat 7th June Time: 3:00pm
Montrose 0.2 3.5 5.8 6.12 48 Ground: Montrose Reserve
Kilsyth 8.5 10.9 15.14 23.22 160 Kilsyth won by 112 pts
Boronia 2.4 8.12 11.16 20.24 144 Ground: Boronia Park
Warrandyte 2.1 2.2 4.6 4.6 30 Boronia won by 114 pts
Lilydale 2.3 3.6 4.11 7.14 56 Ground: Lilydale Sports Oval
East Ringwood 2.4 5.8 6.9 7.10 52 Lilydale won by 4 pts
Bayswater 0.0 2.4 2.8 5.10 40 Ground: Bayswater Recreation Reserve
Croydon 6.2 7.4 10.6 14.10 94 Croydon won by 54 pts
Rd 6 Ladder
KS 6 20 193.9
LD 6 20 148.3
ER 6 16 204.1
BO 6 16 155.0
CD 6 16 154.6
BW 6 4 66.4
MT 6 4 38.6
WD 6 0 24.1

Round 7

Date: Sat 14th June Time: 3:00pm
Kilsyth 4.4 6.9 9.12 11.16 82 Ground: Kilsyth Recreation Reserve
Croydon 3.3 4.3 6.5 9.6 60 Kilsyth won by 22 pts
Lilydale 4.4 11.13 16.15 22.22 154 Ground: Lilydale Sports Oval
Montrose 0.4 2.5 4.5 6.8 44 Lilydale won by 110 pts
East Ringwood 2.5 7.8 9.11 10.14 74 Ground: East Ringwood Reserve
Boronia 5.0 7.2 9.4 10.7 67 East Ringwood won by 7 pts
Warrandyte 1.1 4.7 6.10 12.13 85 Ground: Warrandyte Reserve
Bayswater 3.5 8.6 9.7 10.8 68 Warrandyte won by 17 pts
Rd 7 Ladder
KS 7 24 185.0
LD 7 24 169.9
ER 7 20 186.5
BO 7 16 144.7
CD 7 16 137.5
BW 7 4 68.1
MT 7 4 36.9
WD 7 4 33.0

Round 8

Date: Sat 21st June Time: 3:00pm
Kilsyth 5.1 8.2 9.7 9.7 61 Ground: Kilsyth Recreation Reserve
East Ringwood 1.4 3.7 4.8 6.14 50 Kilsyth won by 11 pts
Lilydale 0.0 3.10 4.10 11.13 79 Ground: Lilydale Sports Oval
Croydon 4.0 4.2 6.6 9.7 61 Lilydale won by 18 pts
Montrose 0.1 2.1 3.3 6.6 42 Ground: Montrose Reserve
Warrandyte 2.6 4.6 8.14 11.15 81 Warrandyte won by 39 pts
Bayswater 4.2 5.3 7.8 7.9 51 Ground: Bayswater Recreation Reserve
Boronia 1.2 1.7 2.10 9.15 69 Boronia won by 18 pts
Rd 8 Ladder
KS 8 28 178.4
LD 8 28 164.6
ER 8 20 171.3
BO 8 20 143.7
CD 8 16 127.4
WD 8 8 41.3
BW 8 4 68.6
MT 8 4 38.1

Round 9

Date: Sat 28th June Time: 3:00pm
Boronia 2.2 4.3 7.8 8.11 59 Ground: Boronia Park
Kilsyth 2.2 5.3 6.4 9.11 65 Kilsyth won by 6 pts
Warrandyte 3.0 5.2 9.4 9.6 60 Ground: Warrandyte Reserve
Lilydale 5.3 11.7 13.11 17.16 118 Lilydale won by 58 pts
Croydon 9.9 14.15 25.24 31.28 214 Ground: Croydon Oval
Montrose 0.0 1.0 3.1 5.1 31 Croydon won by 183 pts
East Ringwood 3.3 9.7 14.9 22.12 144 Ground: East Ringwood Reserve
Bayswater 1.0 1.0 3.2 5.5 35 East Ringwood won by 109 pts
Rd 9 Ladder
KS 9 32 170.8
LD 9 32 168.2
ER 9 24 189.6
CD 9 20 162.2
BO 9 20 137.8
WD 9 8 42.6
BW 9 4 61.6
MT 9 4 33.9

Round 10

Date: Sat 5th July Time: 3:00pm
Bayswater 1.0 5.0 7.0 9.2 56 Ground: Bayswater Recreation Reserve
Kilsyth 3.1 4.2 8.4 10.4 64 Kilsyth won by 8 pts
Lilydale 4.5 7.7 8.8 14.9 93 Ground: Lilydale Sports Oval
Boronia 2.2 3.3 6.5 7.8 50 Lilydale won by 43 pts
Montrose 0.0 0.1 2.1 4.1 25 Ground: Montrose Reserve
East Ringwood 4.7 8.10 12.17 16.19 115 East Ringwood won by 90 pts
Croydon 0.3 2.7 5.10 5.12 42 Ground: Croydon Oval
Warrandyte 0.0 0.1 0.3 1.3 9 Croydon won by 33 pts
Rd 10 Ladder
LD 10 36 169.8
KS 10 36 165.5
ER 10 28 203.9
CD 10 24 167.6
BO 10 20 126.1
WD 10 8 41.6
BW 10 4 63.3
MT 10 4 32.9

Round 11

Date: Sat 12th July Time: 3:00pm
Lilydale 4.5 4.6 8.14 9.15 69 Ground: Lilydale Sports Oval
Kilsyth 0.0 2.0 2.2 5.6 36 Lilydale won by 33 pts
Warrandyte 1.2 3.9 3.10 7.12 54 Ground: Warrandyte Reserve
East Ringwood 2.4 2.5 9.10 14.10 94 East Ringwood won by 40 pts
Boronia 4.6 5.8 8.11 9.11 65 Ground: Boronia Park
Croydon 0.1 5.4 5.8 8.13 61 Boronia won by 4 pts
Bayswater 2.2 2.2 5.7 7.9 51 Ground: Bayswater Recreation Reserve
Montrose 0.1 3.5 5.5 7.7 49 Bayswater won by 2 pts
Rd 11 Ladder
LD 11 40 171.0
KS 11 36 153.7
ER 11 32 200.9
CD 11 24 159.3
BO 11 24 124.5
BW 11 8 65.2
WD 11 8 43.0
MT 11 4 35.2

Round 12

Date: Sat 19th July Time: 3:00pm
Kilsyth       15.17 107 Ground: Kilsyth Recreation Reserve
Warrandyte       2.3 15 Kilsyth won by 92 pts
Montrose 1.1 1.1 3.12 3.15 33 Ground: Montrose Reserve
Boronia 7.7 13.16 15.20 17.23 125 Boronia won by 92 pts
Lilydale 2.1 7.6 10.7 10.11 71 Ground: Lilydale Sports Oval
Bayswater 2.0 3.2 4.4 4.6 30 Lilydale won by 41 pts
East Ringwood 2.2 4.5 5.6 5.9 39 Ground: East Ringwood Reserve
Croydon 0.2 1.4 2.6 2.8 20 East Ringwood won by 19 pts
Rd 12 Ladder
LD 12 44 174.1
KS 12 40 166.1
ER 12 36 200.7
BO 12 28 135.5
CD 12 24 152.4
BW 12 8 63.7
WD 12 8 40.3
MT 12 4 34.5

Round 13

Date: Sat 26th July Time: 3:00pm
Kilsyth 5.1 12.4 16.13 25.18 168 Ground: Kilsyth Recreation Reserve
Montrose 0.3 0.4 1.7 1.7 13 Kilsyth won by 155 pts
Warrandyte 2.4 4.7 6.8 6.13 49 Ground: Warrandyte Reserve
Boronia 2.7 4.11 8.15 16.25 121 Boronia won by 72 pts
East Ringwood 2.5 4.11 6.14 11.15 81 Ground: East Ringwood Reserve
Lilydale 2.1 3.3 5.6 11.9 75 East Ringwood won by 6 pts
Croydon 2.5 6.7 10.11 14.15 99 Ground: Croydon Oval
Bayswater 0.2 0.2 1.4 2.8 20 Croydon won by 79 pts
Rd 13 Ladder
KS 13 44 187.3
LD 13 44 165.0
ER 13 40 189.6
BO 13 32 142.2
CD 13 28 163.2
BW 13 8 60.1
WD 13 8 40.3
MT 13 4 31.8

Round 14

Date: Sat 2nd August Time: 3:00pm
Croydon 4.6 4.7 7.14 8.15 63 Ground: Croydon Oval
Kilsyth 0.2 3.5 3.5 5.8 38 Croydon won by 25 pts
Montrose 2.2 3.2 4.4 5.6 36 Ground: Montrose Reserve
Lilydale 4.10 11.16 17.23 21.32 158 Lilydale won by 122 pts
Boronia 1.1 5.6 6.7 8.13 61 Ground: Boronia Park
East Ringwood 3.11 3.11 8.20 9.20 74 East Ringwood won by 13 pts
Bayswater 1.1 2.2 2.4 6.13 49 Ground: Bayswater Recreation Reserve
Warrandyte 3.5 3.5 5.9 5.10 40 Bayswater won by 9 pts
Rd 14 Ladder
LD 14 48 177.9
ER 14 44 183.5
KS 14 44 176.7
CD 14 32 163.3
BO 14 32 137.2
BW 14 12 62.1
WD 14 8 41.8
MT 14 4 31.0

1947 Ladder
Club P W L D B Home Away PF PA % Pts
Lilydale 14 12 2 0 0 7-0-0 5-2-0 1363 766 177.9 48
East Ringwood 14 11 3 0 0 7-0-0 4-3-0 1265 689 183.5 44
Kilsyth 14 11 3 0 0 7-0-0 4-3-0 1329 752 176.7 44
Croydon 14 8 6 0 0 5-2-0 3-4-0 1098 672 163.3 32
Boronia 14 8 6 0 0 4-3-0 4-3-0 1220 889 137.2 32
Bayswater 14 3 11 0 0 2-5-0 1-6-0 766 1232 62.1 12
Warrandyte 14 2 12 0 0 1-6-0 1-6-0 563 1344 41.8 8
Montrose 14 1 13 0 0 0-7-0 1-6-0 568 1830 31.0 4

First Semi Final

Date: Sat 9th August Time: 3:00pm
Kilsyth 2.3 6.5 7.7 11.9 75 Ground: Croydon Oval
Croydon 3.7 8.12 11.17 14.19 103 Croydon won by 28 pts

Second Semi Final

Date: Sat 16th August Time: 3:00pm
Lilydale 2.2 6.7 10.10 13.14 92 Ground: Croydon Oval
East Ringwood 3.3 7.5 9.9 10.10 70 Lilydale won by 22 pts

Preliminary Final

Date: Sat 23rd August Time: 3:00pm
East Ringwood 5.6 8.12 12.13 13.13 91 Ground: Croydon Oval
Croydon 1.0 5.6 7.10 10.15 75 East Ringwood won by 16 pts

Grand Final

Date: Sat 30th August Time: 3:00pm
Lilydale 3.3 8.10 11.13 12.17 89 Ground: Croydon Oval
East Ringwood 5.3 6.5 14.6 18.8 116 East Ringwood won by 27 pts